Sailingwin for Advertising and Marketing

Sailingwin for Advertising and Marketing is a forward-thinking firm that specializes in both digital and traditional marketing strategies.

Transfon UXP

Grow your business with data and automation

Customize and match your style
Choose from many available designs to make an outstanding og image and sharable banner for your post, news or story
Amplify the voice of your brand in a scale
Add your brand name and logo to all images you are publishing and sharing on social networks.
Automate and sharable
Automatically generate banner images for eCommerce, blog posts, news articles, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.
Create sharable banner images with data and content you have programmatically to improve the social engagement and traffic of your website.
Powered by your data
Dynamically adding your data into the banner images. Choose from pre-built ready to use templates.
API integration
Use API to integrate sailingwin with your own CMS and apps, and programmatically generate images for data and content you have.